"The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your body. You will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail" (Isaiah 58:11).

Our Extraordinary Life Sanctuary is a rich source of blessing for anyone seeking to be refreshed and encouraged through God's wonderful creations in nature interwoven with art and inspirational Bible verses. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork." -Psalm 19:1

Our vision began in 2005 and birthed in 2007, and continues to TRANSFORM as we inspire others with our garden mission. (READ MORE HERE.)

We want to continue to provide a place where many more can come and experience renewal like never before.

This is our hope with our External link opens in new tab or windowANNUAL SANCTUARY FUNDRAISER.

  (Read  testimonials below.)

External link opens in new tab or window Perfect Timing Gift Shop and External link opens in new tab or windowMaria's Gift (Seasonal) proceeds are reinvested in this project, and we know that together we can make it happen.


External link opens in new tab or windowANNUAL SANCTUARY FUNDRAISER  (If you would like to order any product in bulk, please contact us.)

Become part of the HOPE and INVEST in the GROWTH of our garden today!

For more information about our prayer garden initiative contact us today. Please pray with us for this garden to truly flourish according to God’s plan and purpose.


Extraordinary Life Prayer Garden Sanctuary


Testimonials from the Garden...